An unusual set of sled dog booties, circa 1920, from Alaska. Found on a website called Vintage Winter, details below. This is their listing with the booties:
Museum Collection - Not for Sale
Vintage Leather Musher Sled Dog Booties
c. 1920's, 20th century
Leather, Cotton (laces)
4.5"l x 3"w x 3.25"h
© Vintage WinterA wonderfully preserved set of four vintage sled dog booties. Found in Alaska these musher dog booties have seen a long history of use. Quite unique and difficult to find in this condition.
In addition to these unusual booties, the site features antique snowshoes and skis, traditional Inuit snow goggles, a 19th century horse snowshoe, antique sleds and toboggans, a vintage snowshoe form, and much more.
Vintage Winter was founded by “two outdoor enthusiasts, friends with a shared passion for winter sports and sporting-related antiquities, who hatched the idea to create a free online virtual museum for fellow collectors, academics, and those who love the active outdoor lifestyle and design. To fund the endeavor they decided to sell some of their favorite items collected over the years, along with select newly made products and custom handmade home decor.”